Working Papers
"Effect of social information on competition choice" with Lata Gangadharan, Anand Kumar and Srinivasan Murali
Working Paper | Slides
“Affirmative Action and Application Strategies: Evidence from Field Experiments in Colombia” with Marcela Ibanez, Gerhard Reiner and Soham Sahoo
“Using social recognition to address the gender difference in volunteering for low promotability tasks” with Priyoma Mustafi (University of Pittsburgh), Revision Requested, Management Science.
Published Papers
“Do workers discriminate against their out-group employers? Evidence from an online labor market” with Sher Afghan Asad (Iowa State University) and Joydeep Bhattacharya (Iowa State University). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, December 2023.
“Exponential Growth Bias in the Prediction of COVID-19 Spread and Economic Expectation” with Priyama Majumdar (University of Warwick). Economica, March 2023.
“Anti-Tax Evasion, Anti-Corruption and Public Good Provision: An Experimental Analysis of Policy Spillovers” with Amadou Boly (African Development Bank) and Robert Gillanders (Dublin City University). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, May 2022.
“Just another cost of doing business? Experimental Evidence of a Lack of Distaste for Corruption” with Amadou Boly (African Development Bank, Ivory Coast), Robert Gillanders (Dublin City University, Ireland). Public Choice, 2021.
“Exponential-growth prediction bias and compliance with safety measures in the times of COVID-19” with Priyama Majumdar (University of Warwick) and Joydeep Bhattacharya (Iowa State University). Social Science and Medicine, 2020. [Media Coverage: BBC]
“Feedback Spillovers Across Tasks, Self-Confidence and Competitiveness” with Nabanita Datta Gupta and Marie Claire Villeval. Games and Economic Behavior, vol(123): 127:170, 2020.
Published Version | SSRN Working Paper | Previously circulated as “Self confidence spillovers and motivated beliefs”
“On the interpretation of World Values Survey trust question – global expectations vs. local beliefs”. European Journal of Political Economy, vol(55): 491-510, 2018.
“On monetary and non-monetary interventions to combat corruption” with Arnab Mitra. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol 149, 332-355, 2018.
“The spillover effects of affirmative action on competitiveness and unethical behavior”, with Nabanita Datta Gupta and Marie Claire Villeval. European Economic Review, vol 101, 567-604, 2018.
“Corruption, Norm Violation and the Decay in Social Capital”, Journal of Public Economics, Vol 137, 14-27, May 2016.
“On the Interpretation of bribery in laboratory corruption games: moral frames and social norms” Experimental Economics, vol 19(1), pages 240-267, March 2016.
Published Version | Supplementary Materials (Including Instructions) | Working Paper
“Awareness programs and change in taste-based caste prejudice” with Nabanita Datta Gupta. PLoS One 10(4): e0118546. April 2015.
“On self selection of the corrupt into the public sector” with Tushi Baul and Tanya Rosenblat. Economics Letters, vol 127, Pages 43-46, February 2015.
“Linking Teacher and Student Absenteeism – The Role of shared goods in reducing Absenteeism” with Elizabeth M. King, Peter Orazem, Elizabeth M. Paterno. Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 31(5), pages 563-574, 2012.
Other Publications
"Stopping the Rot I: A Review of Models and Experimental Methods of Corruption Experiments" with Utteeyo Dasgupta and Satarupa Mitra. The Political Economy of Corruption – Emerging Issues. (eds) CK Jha, Sudipta Sarangi and AK Mishra. Rouledge, Forthcoming. Published Version.
"Stopping the Rot II: Consequences, Causes and Policy Lessons from the Recent Experiments on Corruption" with Utteeyo Dasgupta and Satarupa Mitra. The Political Economy of Corruption – Emerging Issues. (eds) CK Jha, Sudipta Sarangi and AK Mishra. Rouledge, Forthcoming. Published Version.
“Beyond Headline GDP Growth – Trends in Income and Consumption Inequality” with Prerana Maheshwari. Economic and Political Weekly, 2020. Published Version | Ungated Version
“Predicting food price inflation through online prices in India”, with Nished Singhal and Chetan Subramanian. Economic and Political Weekly, 2018. Published Version | Media Coverage: Mint, Commentary in HT
“Social Norms regarding bribing in India: An experimental analysis” with Tushi Baul and Tanya Rosenblat, Journal of Contextual Economics, 2016. Published Version
“An evaluation of the revenue side as a source of fiscal consolidation in high debt economies” Journal of Economic Studies, 2014. Published Version | Working Paper
“Predicting inflation through online prices” with Nished Singhal, Chetan Subramanian, Menaka Rao. Harvard Business Publishing, 2019.